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Image by Markus Winkler

Parent Survey

LYSA conducted a survey of parents at the end of the Fall 2024 Season.  A total of 71 people responded to the survey.  Survey questions included both Yes/No and Ratings on a 5 point scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).  Results were anonymous unless a respondent identified themselves.  The numerical results are presented here.  The LYSA Leadership Team looked at all of the opened ended responses for patterns and indicators of where improvements could be made in the player and parent experiences.  

Thank you to all of the respondents; your input is valued and appreciated.

The first two questions were Yes/No to understand the overall attitude of parents about their fall experience.  

The next questions used a 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) rating scale.  In these questions respondents were asked to rate specific attributes of LYSA.  The results are presented as

Favorable (Ratings 4 + 5 summed)

Neutral (Rating 3)

Unfavorable (Rating 1 + 2 summed)


1.  Overall, the results reflect a very favorable view of LYSA by the respondents.  That's reflected in favorable ratings in all of the questions of at least 85%.  One of LYSA's objectives is to create an environment in which all players have fun.  97% of the respondents said their player(s) had fun. 

2.  Keeping parents informed and aware through regular communication is a priority.  Parents gave favorable reviews to  communications from the club (94%) and from coaches (94%).

3.  Two broad areas seemed to contribute to not meeting expectations and the unfavorable responses on coaching: 

-- Coaching consistency - some coaches not being prepared or as knowledge in how to coach children

-- Need to focus more on player development with a greater focus on skill building and inclusivity to ensure a positive experience for players at all age and skill levels

ACTIONS BEING TAKEN : LYSA is developing a training curriculum beginning with Cubs that provides a stronger and more consistent focus on skill development.   It will be implemented in Spring 2025.  That curriculum will be expanded to Passers and eventually Wings.  

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