Severe Weather Policy
At all locations if you see lightning or hear thunder, you must immediately leave the field and find shelter. At that point practice is cancelled. Teams are asked not to attempt to wait out the storm and resume practice. Coaches are the responsible party for ensuring the policy is followed.
Lightning Detection Systems
Several parks have a lightning detection systems. Those parks are: Riverview, Betty Ray and Phillips Parks. See note below.
If system detects lightning nearby (most likely before it would be visible) -- you will hear ONE (1) LONG BLAST
Clear field immediately & go to safe location (not under a tree or standing in the parking lot)
The system will sound only once - does not keep going off
The ALL CLEAR signal (at least 30 minutes later) is THREE (3) LONG BLASTS similar to the first one. At that time players and coaches are allowed back onto the field
Note: These systems do not actually detect lightning; they measure atmospheric conditions and predict when it will occur. So, it's possible that the siren will sound and you will not hear thunder or see lightning. And, it's possible the system will not go off when you have heard thunder. They are checked regularly and are maintained in working order.
If at Betty Ray, Riverview or Phillips and lightning is seen or thunder heard and the detection system does not go off; please leave the field.
At all locations if you see lightning or hear thunder, the game will be suspended and coaches, players and spectators must immediately leave the field and find shelter. At that point practice is cancelled. Teams are asked not to attempt to wait out the storm and resume practice
Once the game has begun, referees are the responsible party, and they will make the decision if and when the game can resume. Resumption of a game is permitted when no lightning is seen or thunder heard for 30 (thirty) minutes. Or the lightning detection system signals all clear with THREE LONG BLASTS.
Please follow the directions from the referee. If the referee is young, he or she will be in contact with the referee coordinator.