If a game is canceled due to weather or extenuating circumstances here is the process to reschedule that game. It will differ by age group. A coach with a conflict is not a valid reason for a reschedule. Each team should have a back up plan to fill in if a coach can't make a game.
This process is for HOME GAMES only.
Game Scheduler: Randy Strole at randy.strole@gmail.com
If a game is cancelled, contact the LYSA Game Scheduler, Randy Stole to select new date/time options..
Contact the Away Coach to offer potential makeup dates. Confirm one that is acceptable to both teams.
Confirm with Game Scheduler the date that works for both teams.
Game Scheduler will let the Referee Coordinator know the reschedule date so that referees can be assigned.
If a game is cancelled, contact the LYSA Game Scheduler, Randy Stole to select new date/time options.
Contact the Away Coach to offer potential makeup dates. Confirm one that is acceptable to both teams.
Confirm with Game Scheduler the date that works for both teams.
Game Scheduler will let the Referee Coordinator know the reschedule date so that referees can be assigned.
We use the same process for Wings teams that play in-house and those that play in a SAY North league.
Since all of the games are in-house against other LYSA teams, when a game is cancelled, the coach has the option to makeup the game (which is recommended) or not play the game. If the game is not going to be made up, both coaches need to agree. If one of them wants to play the game, then the expectation is the game will be rescheduled.
If the game cancellation is late in the season (October), the Game Scheduler has the discretion to not reschedule the game due to the challenge of finding field space without impacting practices of other teams.
If a game is cancelled, contact the LYSA Game Scheduler, Randy Stole to select new date/time options.
Contact the Away Coach to offer potential makeup dates. Confirm one that is acceptable to both teams.
Confirm with Game Scheduler the date that works for both teams.
If a Game is In-Progress, it is not considered complete unless the full second quarter has been completed, and the third quarter has begun.
If the games ends before that, it needs to be rescheduled. Coaches cannot ‘call’ a game on their own, if they do make a call to cancel or end a game, the game may not be made up. Once teams are at the field, only the referees may make a decision to stop the game or restart it.